Moving to another country is a big adjustment and taking that decision is not something I did lightly.
There are family considerations and convienences we had previously which we cannot enjoy any longer … like sitters š
We painted a large portion of our house to colour which better fits our style, as loud greens and yellows are not my (our) style.
With the green walls taking 6 coats to convert it to white … it was not so much fun any more!!! In hind site, I learnt a lot of “How NOT to change colours on your walls to white”. Putting white on directly is a bad idea as the bright colours shine through … what you supposed to do … (wish i knew that earlier) is to put on a grey coat of paint first and then apply the white… this apparently works best.
IVY, What a mess. People have the need to grow ivy on their home walls outside because it looks “nice” … well – whatever!
The ivy in our back garden was brown and deadish … I wanted it to go, but what IVY does is it “glues” itself to your walls and if you try remove it, it takes the paint off as well. (No good!)
The branches grow up into your roof and move tiles etc, thus damaging your property … If you one of those who think ivy is the thing you want on your walls .. think about your resell value and the challenges it comes with to get it off!
I am going to strip the paint on the outside walls in 2007 and redo (Paint) it to get rid of the IVY imprints!
Our garden has a lot of trees, greens and traditional desert flowers .. very nice .. it is in my oppinion just a bit to much, so we pruning and grafting it to suite something that we can keep clean and tidy.
See my next post about our EXTRA pets ..
PS:This is where I spend a lot of my working days… click on the link for the web site.