It has been a crazy month or 2 just past and now it is all coming to the final stretch. Karin has organised all the boxes to go in an organised way documenting what is in each box. It has been one hec of a job for her to get through all this. Thanks Karin!
This left me space to continue doing my work thing … but now I have to get all the work things packed up and ready to go. What a task. What to take what to leave. eish!
For those who do not know, we are relocating to Namibia, more specifically Windhoek. We got ourselves all geared up for it. Movers are coming tomorrow … Monday and we off before the first break of light on Tuesday Morning.
Will keep in contact and update you on my blog.
Cheers to Friends, Collegues and Family whom we leave behind …. hope to connect again soon!