I was thoughly impressed by the service of Web africa, I signed up for an account of 10GB for R570 per month vat inclusive and in less than 1 minute they setup my Client login area, got the invoice almost immediately after than and no more than 15 minutes later I received all the login and password details for the ADSL to be configure to point to them instead or Telkom ISP.
Very nice service! My Existing Telkom ISP account is going one way … away! 🙂
Soooo is you have an ADSL line an you want to get connected and need more than 3GB per month Click here and get the information HOT yourself.
Telkom do NOT offer Shared access, extendable access they only sell new login’s for new account config which is a drag since you now need to change your router information when you hit the cap. Web Africa provide a buy more if you need kind of service and then the best part is that you can connect up to 4 ADSL routers at the same time using the SAME account details. This mean that we can be connected at the Office and Home on the same 10 GIG! How cool is that!
Don’t miss out Click on the links! www.webafrica.co.za
Happy Interneting …. 😉